
Reboot of my first N Scale railroad and my first layout in 20+ years

View the Project on GitHub nscale4by8/nscale4x8

N Scale 4x8


New N Scale layout started 2019 - by Erik M. Buck

Table of Contents.    
Prototype (Cleveland Flats)
Densely packed industries, complex web of rails, grades with over and under passes, level crossings, and multiple lift bridges.
Turnout at Lift Bridge  
Track Plan Adapted from
Atlas Granite Gorge & Northern to enable more continuous run variations
Benchwork dimensional lumber covered with 2 inch medium density foam Benchwork  
3D Printed Bridges Original 3D models of various kinds of lift bridge and viaducts
Models and Prototype Inspirations
Electronic Control Raspberry Pi B+ with an add-on “hat” Electronic Control  
3D Printed Custom Structures - urban-industrial scenes
Halle’s Department Store
NEW Bank in Van Buren, AR
Pat’s in the Flats
Turret Apartments
Tennessee Brewery
Hyde Building
Middle Building
Block Building
The Cleveland Twist Drill Co.
The Corner Building
Unicorn Foundry
3D Printed St. Rita Building Start to Finish
Design, printing, assembly, painting
Assembled Structure  
3D Printed Retaining Walls and Underpasses
Scenery Construction of various sections of scenery ranging from industrial structures to cuts through sedimentary rock to overpasses
New Followup to “Nscale Modelrailroading” article
Prototypes Modeled These are some vignettes inspired by the prototype. Downloadable Models For the purpose of licensing, all models
here are considered “software” and are MIT Licensed. The MIT License permits Commercial use, Modification, Distribution, and Private use.